Friday 4 March 2011

Obligatory Tenative First Post.

It seems that when one opens up a blog or some new way of interfacing with the world, that there is a certain pressure that goes with the first blog, status update or tweet. Occassionally (I suspect more often than not), the page will then fall into a state of disrepair as one runs out of things to say. Hopefully this will be the beginning of something beautiful rather than one of these false dawns of which I speak.
Anyways, it seems like a good idea for me to outline what I intend to use this page for:
  • My first motivation is to have a place to, when the feeling takes me, write a decent blog. This might be politics, music, news, sport, books. Anything, essentially.
  • Secondly, I want to try and develop my writing. Exams aren’t miles away and if I get into the habit of writing, which I haven’t done for a while, hopefully this will help to some extent.
  • Thirdly, I might post a wee bit on law every now and then. It might bore people, but if I can reap the rewards of procrastination while actually revising, then this might be a masterstroke. Hopefully I’ll keep these bits short and interesting.
  • Fourthly, I don’t really have a forum to write reviews. I’d like to do this more, and I might well do this more on here.
That’s about it. Hopefully that’s broken the ice and I’ve not dissuaded anyone who has ventured this far not to read again already, because that wouldn’t be all that great a start. Now, I’ve got to go and find something proper to write about…

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